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Posts: 30
Animal: White Wolf
Master: Kosuke Akiyama
Occupation: Slave
Played By: Rath
Bio: bio
Post by SILVIO HIBIKI on Nov 22, 2013 11:37:43 GMT -5
AUGUST LORELEI [twenty four] [male] [straight?] [ profile]
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CLOSED ☒ Out in Right Field --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link
LYNX DELAUNE [twenty one] [male] [mastersexual? -shot-] [ profile]
OPEN ☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link
CLOSED ☒ Tap That --- link☒ Blades and Blood --- link☒ What'd Ya want? --- link☒ Verticalities --- link☒ thread title --- link
RAZI MATSOUKA [nineteen] [male] [heterosexual] [ profile]
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CLOSED ☒ H-Hi. Don't eat me? --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link
SEIREN LASAIR [thirteen] [male] [closet bi] [ profile]
OPEN ☐ Short Fuse --- link☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link☐ thread title --- link
CLOSED ☒ The Wabbits --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link
SILVIO HIBIKI [seventeen] [male] [unknown] [ profile]
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CLOSED ☒ Player 2 - Press Start --- link☒ Come Play with the Kitty --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link
SIN KANYA [twenty seven] [male] [pansexual] [ profile]
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CLOSED ☒ Money for Nothing --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link☒ thread title --- link
closed heart
Posts: 30
Animal: White Wolf
Master: Kosuke Akiyama
Occupation: Slave
Played By: Rath
Bio: bio
Post by SILVIO HIBIKI on Nov 22, 2013 12:38:25 GMT -5
Don't wanna be sly and defile you Desecrate my mind and rely on you I just wanna break this crown But it's hard when I'm so run down | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris adipiscing imperdiet tortor id euismod. Curabitur laoreet tellus nunc, a egestas mauris. Ut non risus orci. Pellentesque eget volutpat urna. Curabitur vehicula tellus eu nisl varius sagittis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer lacinia, ligula quis placerat imperdiet, justo nisl tempus libero, in dignissim augue arcu sed nisi.
Ut ultricies, leo nec adipiscing lacinia, felis odio ornare quam, eget malesuada ante ipsum a lorem. In lorem tellus, mollis sed pulvinar et, hendrerit non mauris. Nunc vitae augue ac lacus viverra sollicitudin. Sed scelerisque ornare lacus sed tristique. Maecenas purus felis, bibendum a auctor cursus, vestibulum nec diam. Pellentesque sed tortor neque, quis dignissim nisl. Pellentesque vel ligula sem. Etiam lacinia, orci fermentum mattis ultrices, nunc nibh pharetra enim, at faucibus elit felis lobortis sapien. Praesent turpis libero, placerat commodo rhoncus egestas, pretium eu ante. Quisque at ipsum suscipit ipsum aliquet tristique a ut nunc. Sed blandit sapien vel quam elementum ac rhoncus nibh suscipit. Morbi posuere libero magna. Sed in lacus turpis, at ornare sapien. Nam vulputate, diam vitae porttitor faucibus, tellus dolor ornare risus, sit amet dictum velit nibh et nisl. Sed cursus elit id magna euismod dictum. In sed metus dui, eget dictum mauris. Curabitur mi tellus, tristique sed molestie a, dictum eget justo. Nam rhoncus cursus purus, at placerat felis accumsan ac.
Sed et arcu mattis quam lacinia mollis. Nam tempor tincidunt tempor. Ut hendrerit placerat sollicitudin. Nam facilisis, tortor non placerat cursus, felis elit fermentum sapien, vel adipiscing mauris lorem eget augue. Mauris tristique, erat nec interdum pulvinar, felis sapien vestibulum mauris, nec tincidunt augue nibh eget velit. Fusce et ligula rutrum diam semper ultricies. Nunc id risus elit, et laoreet enim. Etiam tincidunt congue volutpat. Nulla tincidunt fermentum ante sed adipiscing. Duis suscipit risus vitae libero laoreet ultricies. Pellentesque dignissim dictum justo, non venenatis sem feugiat nec. Phasellus nulla metus, pulvinar egestas lobortis sed, accumsan nec mi. Nullam eu leo eget tortor commodo porta. Sed mollis tincidunt ligula, at gravida tortor dictum vitae. Donec ut felis nibh, et commodo tortor.
Sed vel odio velit, blandit mollis turpis. Maecenas vestibulum iaculis neque. Cras sit amet augue lacus. Nullam ut ante purus, at volutpat felis. Nulla tortor diam, venenatis a vulputate a, ultricies varius mi. Pellentesque suscipit consequat ligula ac tempor. Donec dolor ligula, tincidunt aliquam vestibulum eget, pretium at justo. Maecenas iaculis lacinia dignissim. Aenean ac augue in leo faucibus iaculis. Proin venenatis dui sit amet nunc hendrerit ultricies sagittis libero placerat. Aenean vitae nisi eros. |
closed heart
Posts: 30
Animal: White Wolf
Master: Kosuke Akiyama
Occupation: Slave
Played By: Rath
Bio: bio
Post by SILVIO HIBIKI on Nov 22, 2013 12:40:48 GMT -5
Even the best fall down sometimes
You finally find you and I collide
Speech?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris leo ipsum, eleifend consequat eleifend quis, laoreet vitae nisi. Etiam mi velit, adipiscing nec adipiscing id, placerat in mauris. Nulla tincidunt, urna quis adipiscing bibendum, leo dui auctor purus, nec fringilla leo lectus sit amet ante. Curabitur consectetur, dolor eget dictum auctor, dui lectus dictum ligula, ac dictum dui eros vitae nisi. Phasellus congue erat sit amet ipsum congue vehicula vel vel quam. Praesent tincidunt commodo mi in viverra. Nunc libero tortor, commodo ut dictum id, porttitor eu mauris. Morbi eu tellus orci. Morbi non sem erat. Nam a nunc nisi. In varius blandit tincidunt. Duis posuere sodales odio, non tempus urna facilisis at. Nam sem velit, elementum vel mollis vel, tristique sed lorem. Mauris at dignissim augue. Fusce in ipsum in nulla pellentesque consequat ac in sapien. Maecenas dictum imperdiet mi, nec ultricies risus lacinia vitae.
Integer consequat, metus scelerisque luctus tempus, metus ligula suscipit lacus, nec fermentum velit libero in odio. Donec porta felis eget ligula tincidunt scelerisque. Proin fermentum risus at justo dignissim commodo. Maecenas nec tempus neque. Nam sit amet lacus diam. Nulla accumsan volutpat dui, ac viverra quam tempus ultrices. Nulla aliquam cursus lobortis. Morbi magna nisi, tincidunt at faucibus sit amet, ornare ut dui. Aliquam volutpat convallis nisi, sit amet elementum justo dapibus ac. Sed dapibus sagittis nisl ut pharetra. Nulla nulla nisl, feugiat id faucibus at, varius at est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam molestie auctor leo vitae venenatis.
Etiam non lectus purus, vitae tempor lectus. Vestibulum ultricies iaculis gravida. Nulla odio leo, pulvinar id egestas fringilla, dignissim ut purus. Integer mollis arcu fringilla augue scelerisque ut sodales magna placerat. Etiam vitae velit odio. Aliquam venenatis rutrum euismod. Mauris quis risus metus, rutrum commodo ligula. Aenean vitae vehicula sapien. Phasellus magna nisi, pulvinar nec imperdiet sit amet, pulvinar et mi. Mauris tempor venenatis sapien, id semper odio aliquet a. Fusce tempus elementum sapien vitae tincidunt. Integer non turpis sem, ut blandit libero.
Aliquam mi lectus, congue sit amet convallis et, semper interdum nisi. Quisque eleifend diam non ipsum vulputate rutrum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent tellus tellus, cursus vitae auctor non, laoreet quis massa. Mauris auctor commodo tincidunt. Phasellus sit amet dolor dolor, non blandit tellus. Nunc euismod pulvinar aliquam. Proin congue lorem nec nibh sollicitudin dapibus. Etiam eu sem magna. Sed metus risus, fermentum vitae pharetra in, lobortis in felis. Aliquam mauris diam, cursus ac convallis sed, facilisis sit amet nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Quisque vulputate facilisis libero, sed molestie libero malesuada vel. Donec consectetur, felis sed sagittis molestie, purus augue varius orci, sed aliquam ligula enim et lacus. Morbi euismod lacus vulputate quam facilisis ut lobortis odio hendrerit. Donec vitae pellentesque leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam ullamcorper felis id nulla posuere gravida rutrum tortor condimentum. Integer condimentum quam vitae ante mollis et tristique diam porttitor. Integer laoreet, lacus sit amet laoreet varius, dui arcu suscipit dolor, at facilisis odio dolor ut nulla. Etiam porta augue nec quam egestas vel condimentum velit pretium. Morbi eget risus lectus, quis ullamcorper nisi. In mauris massa, blandit vel pharetra at, suscipit at mi. template by kaito of aizrp |
closed heart
Posts: 30
Animal: White Wolf
Master: Kosuke Akiyama
Occupation: Slave
Played By: Rath
Bio: bio
Post by SILVIO HIBIKI on Nov 22, 2013 12:41:44 GMT -5
it's time that I come clean Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros. Sometimes the one you want ---is not the one you need. template by kaito of aizrp |
Posts: 5
Animal: TOYGER
Occupation: SLAVE
Played By: RATH
Bio: BIO
Post by RAZI MATSOUKA on Dec 4, 2013 16:37:58 GMT -5
I illustrate the features just to mold them into life I’ll hold it with my hands and I’ll sculpt it into ice Just so I can set her free and let her soar into the sky Listen to the creature with October in his eyes. As I illustrate the features just to mold them into life. I’ll hold it with my hands and I’ll sculpt it into ice. Just so I can set her free and let her soar into the sky. Follow me into the grim odyssey the villain’s in. Haunting like a diligent zombie ’til it kills again. All I see’s a colony of oddities and ill intent. Feeling bent, swallowing the qualities of innocence. In a sense, there’s a sickness in my chest. If you think that life’s a b***h you should give her some respect. Maybe she’s a xenophobe, a victim of neglect. And the impotence you have is just a symptom of the stress. All I know is that there is no certainty in life I hold. Weather in Seattle matches perfectly inside my skull. Everything is dark, everything is grey and cold. Laying out the canvas just so I can let the paint unfold. Phantom in the rainfall, phantasmagoric. Plastered in the same spot but can’t manage solace. Standing in the graveyard with hands clamped in fore grip. Chant until the days gone, a fantastic courtship. You look into my eyes and try to find a breath of life. See all the mysteries and secrets that I kept disguised. Through all the perfect insecurities I meant to hide. Me Ain’t no way because I always feel so dead inside. Now I spell “dedicate” with another letter, “a”. Walk into the center stage, caught up into heaven’s gate. Every single step. I take reminds me of the death I taste. Unfulfilled promises or ones I didn’t get to make. Unless they break, but I’m modest with the greeting. Over existential and my confidence is sinking. Swallowed all my pride, my esophagus is bleeding. Ominous and seething, watching but I’m nauseous from the feeding. This what you get when you’ve been greeted with an echo. Just another operatic sequence in falsetto. Just another very tragic piece of a libretto. Just another charismatic demon in the meadow. Sneaky with the silver tongue, now I’ve lost my thrill for blood. Falling to my knees as the shadows start to close in. Take my last breath, grab my own lifeless hand. Let the silence in and I finally fall asleep. Listen to the creature with October in his eyes. As I illustrate the features just to mold them into life. I’ll hold it with my hands and I’ll sculpt it into ice. Just so I can set her free and let her soar into the sky. Follow me into the grim odyssey the villain’s in. Haunting like a diligent zombie ’til it kills again. All I see’s a colony of oddities and ill intent. Feeling bent, swallowing the qualities of innocence. In a sense, there’s a sickness in my chest. If you think that life’s a b***h you should give her some respect. Maybe she’s a xenophobe, a victim of neglect. And the impotence you have is just a symptom of the stress. All I know is that there is no certainty in life I hold. Weather in Seattle matches perfectly inside my skull. Everything is dark, everything is grey and cold. Laying out the canvas just so I can let the paint unfold. Phantom in the rainfall, phantasmagoric. Plastered in the same spot but can’t manage solace. Standing in the graveyard with hands clamped in fore grip. Chant until the days gone, a fantastic courtship. You look into my eyes and try to find a breath of life. See all the mysteries and secrets that I kept disguised. Through all the perfect insecurities I meant to hide. Me Ain’t no way because I always feel so dead inside. Now I spell “dedicate” with another letter, “a”. Walk into the center stage, caught up into heaven’s gate. Every single step. I take reminds me of the death I taste. Unfulfilled promises or ones I didn’t get to make. Unless they break, but I’m modest with the greeting. Over existential and my confidence is sinking. Swallowed all my pride, my esophagus is bleeding. Ominous and seething, watching but I’m nauseous from the feeding. This what you get when you’ve been greeted with an echo. Just another operatic sequence in falsetto. Just another very tragic piece of a libretto. Just another charismatic demon in the meadow. Sneaky with the silver tongue, now I’ve lost my thrill for blood. Falling to my knees as the shadows start to close in. Take my last breath, grab my own lifeless hand. Let the silence in and I finally fall asleep. made by ESO of Gangnam Style words: | tags: | notes:
Posts: 10
Occupation: CLUB OWNER
Played By: RATH
Bio: bio
Post by SIN KANYA on Dec 4, 2013 23:56:45 GMT -5
you are my everything, say the word, baby, i'll stay forever SHOW ME WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR you are my everything, no one else in the world will be waiting like me
words words. tagged tagged. notes notes. | Sometime between the bombing on Veherna City and the dumping of nuclear waste on Ishya Town, she sniffs out a disloyal scumbag lurking in her ranks. For weeks, she does not know who, does not know if she's even right or not, but time proves to be her ally – if only for a moment – and she trains her ice cold stare on a young man of an elite position in the murderous organization. For nearly three years, now, he has been working as a solo double agent, trying to learn the secrets of the team and use them against them from the inside. She thinks, bemused, that the most crucial secret he failed to learn was that nothing escapes her eyes; nothing at all. She watches him for a month outside of anyone's knowledge, filming his missions and work around the base and scowling at his blatant lack of loyalty to the cause. To Nymah's cause. She dodges two assassination attempts and returns for round two on a massive acid trip for Ishya (relishes in the way everything burns and grows giddy when her scientists tell her it will be uninhabitable for generations to come) when she finally makes her move, sneaking into the room that he stays in at night and knocking him out cold with a crow bar.
The faction is called to gather in the main room and curious eyes turn to watch as her admins – Hataro, Felix – march the fool down each and every hall. His golden hair has been shaved, his skin torn and freshly bleeding with the knife wounds from words she has carved into the canvas of his chest and back, clothes in tatters, but olive eyes still burning with a passion she could never hope to quench. It does not matter, though. He will soon be just another limp body hanging from the trees outside of their seemingly invisible base. She grins maliciously, once blank features having taken on the facial expressions more akin to a maddened beast in the horror novels she sometimes takes inspiration from as she stares down at her latest piece of fresh meat. They lead him to a halt on the raised platform in the middle of the rooms. All eyes are on him as they stand him above the retreating floor, fresh noose brushing against the back of his neck.
“Garett Heinrich,” she practically sings, voice louder than if she had just been addressing him. Of course, she has to put on a show for the spectators. “You have been accused of treason against the power of Team Imum. All evidence points to these claims being true. It would be quite a shame to put you down without giving you a fighting chance, though, and I am not completely heartless. Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself before we have you kicking the bucket?”
He raises his head, leaf eyes meeting ice ones and the fire of hope and heroism flickers out to be replaced by a desolate smoke of utter hatred. She licks her lips, finding the falter of his ambition absolutely wonderful. “... Go to the Distortion World,” he growls angrily and she laughs, Mightyena cackle echoing off the walls of the room until she's out of breath and leaning over the balcony on which she stands.
Gasping for breath and still suppressing giggles, she counters, “That's what I'm aiming for. Well? What are you waiting for? Get on with it, you two! If he's not going to stand up for himself, I suppose that is simply his loss. We don't have time for scum like him here.” He doesn't struggle as Felix takes the rope and slips it carefully over the traitor's head, each move practiced and calculated. The crowd erupts into chants of what she assumes are the words “hang him” before she has not choice but to feed their hungry desires for blood lust and gives the signal, watching the last chance for rebellion within their walls die has his body is jerked downward toward the floor by gravity.
The chanting does not cease, however, as she would have expected when the spectacle is all over. Instead, her own pleasure at a job well done is reflected in the men and woman under her and, before she knows what is happening, it is her name that is rippling through the mass of people, raising until the volume is deafening. They never cheered this way for Nymah, she thinks. Only for her. Something tingles in her toes, claws up her legs and sits heavy in her heart; but it is far from an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, she welcomes it with open arms.
Lorelei wonders if this is what power truly feels like.
(When the brunette watches the men and women who dedicated their lives to her cause executed and imprisoned, however, while she herself has remained unharmed as she has for decades, she thinks that she has been strong all along. And, even as Imum collapses in on itself at the hands of the rebellion that sprung up because of it, no soul will ever be able to quell the splendor that is Lorelei Ackermann.
She turns on her heel, back turned to the land she once had wrapped around her finger, and disappears into the uncharted woods beyond.
In her mind, she already knows she'll return.) |
to be your everything
Tricky Fox
Posts: 23
Animal: Black Fox
Master: Sen Chihiro
Occupation: Second In Command/Slave
Played By: Rath
Sub-Group: Urakata
Bio: BIO
Post by LYNX DELAUNE on Dec 10, 2013 23:47:44 GMT -5
FULL NAME August Daimon Lorelei LIKES - Stargazing - Christmas Lights - Cooking - Fluffy blankets - Feralin more way then one - Just being warm in general - Candy Canes, and anything peppermint DISLIKES - Snow/Anything really cold - Being woken up too early - People who Mistreat others - His blind spot (literally) - His father (for reasons) - Sticky things - The Auction house POSITIVES - Cheerful - Curious - Easily excited - Talkative - Helpful - Protective - Eccentric NEGATIVES - Emotionally Secretive - Awkward in Crowded areas - Easily Stressed - Worrywart - Naive - Self-Destructive - Blames himself for a lot - Reckless HABITS - Chewing on his bottom lip - Tugging on the eye patch - Forgetting his eye patch when in a hurry - Tripping up the stairs (he does...this sometimes) - Taking on more then he can handle FEARS - Going completely blind - Losing Feral the second time - His partial blindness making him a burden. OTHER N/a
APPEARANCE August stands about 5'10 with black hair that is cute very short. Barely going past his ears, though near his bangs it seems to curl slightly. The boy is a light skinned boy with a weight of 154 lbs, mostly it's probably muscle from his training though. With that pale colored skin he can almost look a bit sickly at times. Now onto his eyes, though he only shows one of those beautiful brown eyes both of them work. Just the right one works better then the left, and the left had scars around it. Though the scars are barely visible now, with how long it has actually been since he got that injury. The boy takes after his father in the way of looks though his personality is a lot like his mothers.
Most of his clothes are pretty relaxed, like just a white long sleeve shirt hanging open to reveal his chest. And then onto the brown or maybe black slacks he wears. He really doesn't care what his father thinks about his appearance really. Though he does know his father hates the way he dresses sometimes. The boy doesn't like to wear anything too fancy though around his neck he does have a necklace he got from his child hood Urakata. Really he doesn't show it often so his father doesn't know he still has it. On top of the formal white, and black like suits his father has picked out for him August has a lot of clothes he doesn't know about. Or well he doesn't know he got yet.
Usually lighter blue colored, and showing more skin then probably needed. As long as it's not his eye he doesn't care about showing things off. Well most things.
ABILITIES His senses minus his sight are at least a bit stronger then a humans would be, since he has a blind spot on his left side. Faster reflexes on his right side would also fall into this. HISTORY August was born to normal parents, they didn't really explain the whole slave world to him. Though he had slaves in his house from the moment he was born. Most of them were for the more hard work, like cleaning, cooking and all the yard work that his father didn't do. But his father didn't hate the slaves so he let them work when they wanted to. Have days off, and not control everything they did. It was weird for August to see his father working with them but over time he accepted this. Saying this was the right thing for them. Slaves were friends not toys. And really August never changed his mind on that one. When he finally got his first slave he was around the age of seven years old.
His father thought he deserved at least some playmate since his parents were working all day. And well most of the other slaves were too old. They didn't like to play. August said he wanted a bear, if they were forcing him to get a slave. Really he didn't like the idea of buying people though so the second he got Feral he just took off the collar. Or anything they had put on him. He didn't think people deserved to be tied up. So he let Feral have a lot of freedom in the house, even when his parents were around. They played a lot, any games he wanted really. He was happy with how things went. Playing games that most children did, taking some time to teach his friend how to read. A little bit at least. He allowed his slave to walk him to school.
And would just send him back home after he was done. Mostly just so he could help out with the chores. If Feral known by another name at that time did those things. Well that just meant they could play with they got home. He didn't think John would follow him to school. But when he did and started beating up those bullies that picked on him. Well. It hadn't ended so well, he wasn't able to stop Feral. He tried but it didn't work. John didn't seem to want to listen to him, and that annoyed August.
August however tried to stop his parents from beating on his friend. He didn't like it but they kept telling him it had to be done. Violent Urakata were not liked. They needed to be taught lessons, and he just couldn't stand it. The boy was only glad to see his friend when they finally let him come back. Not that he liked what he saw. His friend had changed, it wasn't entirely like John anymore. Not the person he made friends with. He didn't like that they sold Feral again because of his attitude. Just so what he was still a person. August had fought them every moment of it. Even though his parents said it was for the protection of them. He didn't buy any of that.
Even after losing Feral his life has continued. He went back to school, and did his own thing anyway. Becoming a doctor for the Urakata, and anyone really. As much as he hates the auction house he gets dragged there a lot to help people. Only spending most of his time not working looking for a certain slave he lost years ago thanks to his parents.
Posts: 10
Occupation: CLUB OWNER
Played By: RATH
Bio: bio
Post by SIN KANYA on Dec 15, 2013 1:24:45 GMT -5
FULL NAME Atlas Devin Griffin LIKES - Lemons - Green Tea - Fish, Mostly Salmon and Mackerel - Running - Basketball - Sketching people - Fruity Alcohols DISLIKES - The Ocean - Roller Coasters - His Allergies, mostly to milk. - Spicy foods - Possessive people - His mother being sick - Being invisible POSITIVES - Cheerful most of the time - Independant - Quick: in thinking and reflexes - Extremely perceptive - Adaptable - Hard Working - Seems calm at first glance - Affecionate, when he trusts himself with those emotions. NEGATIVES - Hard to read - Masks his darker emotions a lot - Uncomfortable around certain people - Unnoticable - Failure at truly expressing himself - Reckless - Closed off in many ways, HABITS - Falling asleep while studying - Being quiet a lot - Appearing out of nowhere - Bugging Hajime FEARS - People dying - Losing his friends - Revealing his weaknesses OTHER He seems to be majorly emotionless sometimes, but it's really just a trick he uses thinking it'll keep people far away from him.
APPEARANCE Atlas really is the shortest of his family, and his friends. Most of them that are guys tower over him. The boy only stands about 5'6 with a weight of 126 lbs. He doesn't seem to gain much weight, but he doesn't really eat much either. For the things he does his build is really small. One wouldn't think Atlas did anything he does outside of school. Heavy lifting is almost something he can't seem to do either at first glance. The boy's father constantly likes to make fun of him for looking this way, mainly because in that man's mind only woman are supposed to look weak. The blue hair actually comes from his mother's side of the family. It's just lighter because of his father, he styles his hair off to the left.
Though his skin is light, and almost seems like he never gets any sun the boy is already outside somewhere. He likes it better then being at home with his dick of a dad. His eyes are blue, and he usually seems to have a blank expression. Unless he's around his friends, or something he really likes. But besides that he usually wears a black shirt, and black shorts when around his father. If he's not then he's wearing a white black and red shirt, with similar colored shorts. His clothes usually revolve around those colors with some blue mixed into them.
Other then that he just has black pants, and a black shirt with blue near his neck. Really he tends to steal his friends clothes from time to time.
ABILITIES Increased Agility: His body being smaller means he's a lot faster. It's not much of an ability really, but it's like his only strong point. HISTORY Atlas Griffin was born to mostly normal parents, his mother had been a model when his father discovered her. He flirted with her whenever he wanted, and left her a lot of gifts. They seemed to be having an affair behind the scenes while her father's arranged partner for her was oblivious. However they couldn't hide it anymore when she became pregnant with her son. Atlas was born late at night about nine months later. She didn't go to a hospital, no instead she just had the small child at home. Leaving him crying on the floor that woman almost didn't know what to do with him. The child had been left there crying, for awhile. Till she finally snapped out of it and picked up her baby wrapping in him a towel. All she did after that was washing him off, dressing him up in his cute clothes. And waiting for Daddy to get home. At first it seemed as if everything was normal.
His father kept on taking care of both of them, loving the child and his mother. They were married shortly after the boy's birth. Really to his mother and father Atlas was the perfect baby. They named him after his grandfather on his father's side who passed just days before he had been born. They figured that the reason he was born healthy was because of his grandfather being there with him in spirit. As he grew older it seemed Atlas stopped expressing him self. His emotions seemed to just disappear the older he got. No one seemed to know why, even the doctors didn't understand. They just kept saying it was a phase. Not that it ever changed, his mother and father only kept worrying. Setting the boy up in activities trying to just get him to communicate better.
He only made one friend before he actually got into middle school. His friend was a bit frustrated with his attitude so tried to break him of it. Not that it lasted very long. His friend moved away. Which seriously sucked for Atlas, he just started to revert back into his shell. That is till he snuck into the basket ball court after hours. When he thought everyone was gone. But it wasn't the case. A blonde boy was still around, watching Atlas play. Even if he kept missing, the boy's speed was still okay at least. After that boy startled him and made Atlas run off they didn't realize they'd see each other again. Atlas kept running into him. And eventually it brought them together as friends. Which wasn't something he thought would happen.
Atlas actually thought he was getting somewhere in this world. Even when he finally got into middle school the boy still kept close to Hajime. He didn't talk about how things were falling apart at home. He couldn't talk about that. His parents were on the verge of divorcing, and he just had to be stuck with things. Atlas's father was involved in the bad things, like those things that were dark. He kept his son oblivious to it. Though his wife was not. She refused to let him see his son, so he eventually distanced from the boy completely. But still he never said a word, he just kept smiling to Hajime.
Till that day, he was sixteen. They had been friends for years. And just that day when he was told he had to live with his mother and move to another place. It just wasn't happening. His mother was sick, something had happened to her. And they were being moved thanks to his father's stupid activities. He barely managed to tell his best friend good bye before he disappeared. The boy had been moving from place to place without really staying in school. Atlas never made any friends after that. He just had to keep taking care of his mother, and when she finally died he was moved back into his home town. Not even sure if Hajime was still there. His father basically ignores him now so the nineteen year old has to take care of his father, and keep out of his way at the same time. Only hoping he'll see his best friend again.